DASH predicts satellite interference, ensuring 100% confidence. ABS prioritizes space safety with industry affiliations.

Within ABSPlus Consult, our drift coordination program, Determination and Analysis of Satellite Hindrance (DASH), is a reliable program for ensuring space safety within the GEO arc. It predicts interference during satellite movements, and identifies hindrance times and frequencies for TT&C links. This helps customers confidently manage longitude drifts, orbit raising, or de-orbit missions while avoiding interference with other active GEO spacecraft.

ABS utilizes data from top-tier sources such as CelesTrak, ExoAnalytics, and Seradata. Committed to space safety and situational awareness, we are proud members of prominent associations including the Satellite Industry Association, Global Satellites Operators Association, World Teleport Association, Space Data Association, and the Space Safety Coalition.

Rely on ABS to safeguard your satellite drift operations with precision and foresight.


  • Predicts and coordinates interference among GEO spacecraft, ensuring safe missions
  • Optimizes TT&C links during drift, orbit raising, or de-orbit missions by aligning with active GEO spacecraft
  • Confirms status of other operators’ feedback and hinderance requests, and estimates hinderance needs when no feedback was provided from other satellite operators
  • Baseline service offers comprehensive mission predictions:

    • Includes telemetry and telecommand hinder periods for up to four telecommand and telemetry frequencies for up to eight ground antennas
    • Coordination with other operators using a standard 1.0-degree intrusion tolerance
  • Optional upgrades:

    • Weekly updates based on public data or real ephemeris from satellite operators.
    • Customization for tighter tolerances, increased number of frequencies or antennas, and reduced blind periods through direct negotiation.

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