Edson José De Vito
Edson José
De Vito Jr.
Edson José De Vito Jr.
For this ABS Portrait, we remember our dear friend and colleague Edson De Vito, who passed away suddenly last week.
Edson joined ABS at the end of 2018 to develop and drive the ABS business in Brazil following the launch of our ABS-3A satellite. Through his creativity, tenacity, and relationships in the region, Edson successfully built up the ABS-3A West Hemi Beam to what it is today serving a mix of blue-chip enterprise and broadcast customers.
However, his professional achievements over his 30+ year career cannot eclipse who Edson was as a husband, father, and friend. Edson made friends everywhere he went, always smiling and laughing. His pleasant personality was contagious to everyone he met. We are all better off having known him and will miss him very much.