Africa Insights from Ajay Jethwani, VP of Sales, Africa
Today, African economies are well positioned to leverage rapid technological change. Africa is forecast to grow slightly above average global levels despite the coronavirus pandemic.
INSIGHTS from Fred Kua, VP Sales, Asia Telco
COVID-19 has emerged as the most serious challenge of our generation. Guided by the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and other leading health administrations...
EMENA Insights from Paolo Pusterla, MD of Europe and the Middle East
ABS serves the MENA region with dedicated regional beams as well as global beams provided over three satellites of its fleet: ABS-2, ABS-2A co-located at 75°East and ABS-3A positioned at 3 °West...
Asia Insights from Vincent Lim, VP of Media Sales – Video Distribution in a Disruptive Era
Asia Insights from Vincent Lim, VP of Media Sales Video Distribution in a Disruptive Era Fig 1: ABS-2 East Hemi Standard C-Band Coverage Map While Subscription Video On-Demand (SVOD) is increasing in popularity, linear video [...]
Diverse Solutions for Asia Pacific
Diverse Solutions for Asia Pacific Cutting-edge, yet still facing challenges - Asia Pacific is a mixture of the most advanced and least developed countries. In terms of media and communications, the APAC region is multi-faceted, [...]
UAS: Prime Application for Satcom
UAS: Prime Application for Satcom The government and military markets are great consumers of satellite communications. The regions where forces are deployed can be remote and the conditions in which they operate can be harsh [...]